Misture of oils #5 Stop Alopecia


A mixture of oils №5 "Stop Alopecia" - a remedy with a powerful composition aimed at combating profuse hair loss, poor or no growth six, alopecia. The effectiveness of the oils included in this mixture was proven back in 1998 in Scotland when researching the effectiveness of various oils in the fight against alopecia. The combination of grape seed oil and jojoba allows you to maximally prepare the skin (cleanse, moisturize, nourish) for the action of oils aimed at activating blood circulation, hair growth, increasing density, and normalizing the sebaceous glands. Moroccan rosemary, lavender, patchouli, ylang-ylang oils accelerate hair growth by 44%, reduce hair loss by 83%

  • Домашние животные - товары по уходу
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  • лечение и предупреждение выпадения волос

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36015 Poltava - Украина
